Am I Too Old for Invisalign?

August 22, 2024

Clear aligner over mold of a mouthYou can’t put a price on the benefits of having straight teeth, but they don’t come naturally for most people. Whether you missed your chance for braces as an adolescent or your teeth have shifted, you may be a candidate for Invisalign. It’s never too late to invest in the benefits of straight teeth. There’s no age limit for Invisalign, but there are a few things you should know.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Braces have changed quite a bit over the last several decades. Headgear and other bulky contraptions are a distant memory. Nowadays, you don’t even need brackets or wires to move your teeth. 

Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners to apply gentle pressure to specific teeth to move them slowly. This provides a discreet, comfortable, and removable option to fix several bite and alignment problems. 

Advanced technology is used to create a series of aligners from an impression of your mouth. Each aligner moves your teeth in small increments. You must commit to wearing them for at least 22 hours per day. You’ll switch to the next aligner in your series every 1-2 weeks, as instructed by your dentist. The average treatment takes 12 to 24 months.

Invisalign and Older Adults

Age does not determine your candidacy for Invisalign, but older adults may require more specific treatment plans. Your teeth and gums must be healthy before any orthodontic treatment. Certain dental issues are associated with aging, like cavities and gum disease, so it’s not uncommon to require some prep work. Any underlying issues must be resolved before getting Invisalign,

Older adults may experience longer treatment timelines than teens. Your teeth are more firmly set in your jawbone because you are no longer growing or developing. Therefore, it can take your teeth a little longer to move. Your cosmetic dentist can explain exactly how long you can expect the process to take during your consultation.

Benefits of Straight Teeth

Straight teeth are more than just a confidence booster. Alignment problems can increase your risk of oral health issues because your teeth are more difficult to clean. Fixing your teeth will make them easier to keep clean, so you can avoid costly dental work later. Correcting your bite may stop TMJ disorder pain and improve your jaw functions.

You will look and feel your best because your oral health also supports your general wellness. You’re never too old to invest in a healthy mouth and body using clear aligners.

About Dr. Les Latner

Dr. Latner earned his dental degree from the Washington University School of Dental Medicine and has continued his education in pediatric dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and Invisalign. He is a member of several professional organizations, including the California Dental Association and the American Dental Association. Book an appointment online or call his office at (310) 907-7987 to see if Invisalign is right for you.