Cosmetic Dentistry in time for Valentine’s Day

January 28, 2013

Valentine’s Day is just a couple of weeks away. If you’re looking for a way to enhance your confidence and look your best this February 14th, consider cosmetic dentistry. The cosmetic dentistry services Dr. Latner provides can help you whiten and straighten your teeth, creating a smile you’ll want to share with others.

Our cosmetic dentistry services include:

Our teeth whitening options include both Zoom! in-office whitening and a professional take-home whitening kit. Both produce professional results, but there are differences. Zoom! Whitening whitens teeth in just one appointment, while take-home whitening lets us brighten your smile in the comfort of your home, on your own schedule. For the best results, Zoom! in-office whitening and take-home whitening should be used together.

For adult patients who want a straighter smile, Dr. Latner provides different options. Invisalign is a great option. Instead of using metal brackets and wires, Invisalign uses clear trays made of acrylic. Because Invisalign’s trays are nearly invisible, your care will be more discreet. What’s more, treatment is often faster and more comfortable. Dr. Latner also offers Six Month Smiles. If you’d like a straighter smile in just six to eight months, Six Month Smiles may be the right treatment option for you.

For patients who want a whiter and straighter-looking smile, porcelain veneers are a popular option. Veneers use thin pieces of porcelain to improve the appearance of front teeth. The result is a dazzling smile that looks naturally beautiful.

Which service is right for you? Is it one of these, or is it another service from the list above? For an answer to that question, call Westside Dental Associates for an appointment with Dr. Latner. Our team is dedicated to creating beautiful smiles for Valentine’s Day and beyond.